Craig Gunderson Artist, Beer Blogger, EdTech Professional, Homebrewer
Craig Gunderson recalls how, as a young man, any time he told his father he needed something, they would set about building a solution rather than buying it from a store.
“For better or worse, I carry that with me into everything I do—give me a problem, and I will go out and figure it out for myself,” he says. This mentality explains why he worked in the education sector for over 20 years, believing that anything worth doing starts with learning. It also explains why, since 2013, he has maintained a magazine-style website without hiring help, as he considers himself his own harshest critic and best self-promoter.
A photo of his father’s homemade workbench sits on the art table he built himself, serving as a reminder that even in failure, he has learned something—and that is the best teacher, one that costs nothing.
“I was the only kid on my block with a wooden Han Solo blaster…” a testament to his resourcefulness and creativity from a young age.
Formerly of...
Director of Content and Multimedia Development for Learning Design Solutions
“Craig Gunderson specializes in strategic online learning content deployment and coaches developers and their managers through content creation and implementation challenges. Craig’s 14+ years in the online education industry have resulted in a diverse background in building multimedia learning objects, web-interactivity best practices, graphics creation, LMS expertise, and learning design theory.”
Writer for...
Thirsty Bastards
A beer and adult beverage culture site curated by Craig and Josh Hastert
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Contributor to...
Hard Cheap Knock
Comics, parody, and art collective project with Dave Janicek, Matthew Langland, Mikel Samson, and Nick Wetmore
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